Unemployment Overview

If you’re a full-time driver, you may be eligible to collect unemployment when work is not available due to shut downs such as holidays, teacher work days, summer closures, etc. Here are some tips to help you file an unemployment claim.

For a complete reference guide on Applying for Benefits, click here.

FILING: How to File for Unemployment

  1. Create your MyBenefits Portal Account at dew.sc.gov.
  2. File a new claim on the Sunday immediately following your last day worked.
  3. File your weekly claim for the week of missed work or reduced wages on the Sunday preceding that week.
  4. Complete two weekly job searches in SCWOS


  • Last day worked: Friday, December 17
  • New claim filed: Sunday, December 19
  • Weekly claim filed: Sunday, December 26
  • Compensation received: Monday, December 27

FAQs: Some Anticipated Questions

An SCDEW representative provided us with some common topics that might be of interest to employees filing for unemployment benefits. These are listed here in an easy-to-follow Q&A format. Please note that this is not a complete guide. For a complete reference guide on Applying for Benefits, including videos and other resources, click here.

Q: Is there a lag time between my initial claim and the payout?
A: Yes, there is a one-week lag from when you file your initial claim until you receive your payout.

Q: What happens during this lag week?
A: This is the week you are not working or working reduced hours. During this week, you must conduct two job searches before Saturday.

Good to Know:
SCDEW claim weeks are Sunday-Saturday.
Coastal Bus Line payroll weeks are Monday-Sunday.

Q: When do I report back to unemployment to process my claim?
A: Unemployment claim weeks are Sunday through Saturday. You should report your job searches and any earnings during the claim week on the Sunday following the end of the claim week.

Q: How soon can I expect to receive my unemployment benefit?
A: Benefits are paid as soon as the next day, so if you report on Sunday, you could get paid on Monday.

Q: What if I don’t receive my payment?
A: If you don’t receive your benefit in a reasonable timeframe, contact the unemployment office or go to your nearest OneStop.

Q: What if I don’t report earnings?
A: If you fail to report earnings, you could be fined and/or have future wages garnished.

Q: Do I have to report holiday pay?
A: Yes. All income, including holiday pay, must be reported.

Q: What happens if I file my initial claim too early?
A: If you file your initial claim before your last day worked, you will have to report your earnings. If you fail to report earnings, you could be fined and/or have your future wages garnished.

Q: What happens if I file my initial claim too late?
A: If you file your initial claim after your claim week, you may not receive benefits. Contact the unemployment office or go to your nearest OneStop for further information.

Q: What do I do when I return to work?
A: Ending benefits is easy. Simply stop filing weekly claims.

Q: I still have questions. How can I get more information?
A: Here’s how to learn more:

  • Go to www.dew.sc.gov/applying-benefits
  • Call 1-866-831-1724 | Relay 711
  • Go to your nearest OneStop office