Bus Stop Info


Bus Stop Times & Locations

For Coastal Bus Line bus stop times and locations, click on your school below to either view your route or find your bus stop information using the CCSD Bus Stop Look Up Tool:


Don’t miss important route updates!

To receive important Coastal Bus Line route information, including traffic & weather delays, route changes and more, sign up for text alerts from REMIND. Simply find your school below and text the code (including the @ symbol) to 81010.

NOTE: This service is for routes operated by Coastal Bus Line only.

  • Academic Magnet: @cbl-soa202
  • Clark Academy: @cbl-ca24
  • Cooper River CAS: @cbl-crcas
  • Daniel Jenkins Academy: @cbl-dj24
  • Early College High School: @ cbl-ec20
  • East Cooper CAS: @cbl-eccas
  • Learn4Life: @cbl-l4l
  • Meeting Street Academy: @cbl-chs23
  • MS@Brentwood: @cbl-bw20
  • MS@Burns: @cbl-burn20
  • Military Magnet: @cbl-mm20
  • Movement Schools: @cbl-move24
  • North Charleston Creative Arts: @cbl-ncca24
  • North Charleston Elementary: @cbl-nces24
  • St. James-Santee: @cbl-sjs24
  • School of the Arts: @cbl-soa202
  • Wando High School: @cbl-wando

Don’t see your school listed here? If your school is not on this list, odds are that another transportation provider is handling that route.
Click here for the CCSD Transportation page and answers to many frequently asked questions.


Information for Students & Parents

Please review the information below with your student…

  • Coastal Bus Line bus stops are different from bus stops for neighborhood schools.
  • Our bus stops are centralized, may be as far as 5 miles from the home and are considered “parent assisted” bus stops.
  • Our bus stop locations may not be within walking distance.
  • Students should not be left unattended at bus stop locations.
  • All students should arrive at the bus stop location 10 minutes before the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Buses will leave the stop at the time listed.
  • Once moving, bus drivers are not permitted to stop the bus until it arrives at the next bus stop location.
  • Drivers are not permitted to wait at stop locations.
  • If you are late, go to the next stop on the route to meet the bus there.

Have a Concern?

In keeping with our “open door” policy, please contact us directly at 843-764-9475 if you have any transportation questions or concerns. If you would like to file a formal grievance, please call us directly or click here for the CCSD Bus Transportation Complaint Form.