Frequently Asked Questions


What time should I arrive the bus stop?
Be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early. The bus leaves at the scheduled time.

What if I miss the bus the morning bus?
If you have time, advance to the next stop and meet the bus there.

What if I am not at the stop to meet my student?
Our drivers will not let elementary age children off the bus without a parent present.

What if the bus is running late?
If traffic causes more than a 10 minute delay, we will send a text alert.

How do I sign up for text alerts?
Sign up details are on your school’s transportation portal page.

Can I add a stop?
While we can’t make any promises, we’re always open to suggested stops, so call the office.

Where can I find route updates?
A link to the most current bus route is on your school’s transportation portal.

Who do I contact with busing questions?
Call Coastal Bus Line at 843-928-3028.